The ART© of Transformation 

(Accelerated, Risk-based Transformation)

ART© is designed to facilitate and accelerate operational transformation as an iterative process with a risk-based methodology and by adopting established concepts such as operational risk assessment, underwriting appetite or investment management strategies. ART© has been initially designed as a response to the digital transformation gap in the (re)insurance sector, also amplified by difficulties to integrate new options from insurtechs in insurance core processes. ART© can easily be adapted to any other area and/or industry.

How to take and actively manage transformation risk?

Goals of iterations:

  • Optimize risk tolerance 

  • Increase number of transactions in cluster A

  • Reduce issues and efforts for cluster B

  • Develop solution for remaining cluster C (post-transformation)

  • Sensitize ecosystem to ongoing transformation

  • Move from culture of failure to risk culture

  • "Learn to walk before you run"

Iterative steps (standard):

  1. Agree on risk tolerance with management

  2. Define parameters for risk clusters A, B and C

  3. Prepare reactions for detected issues in cluster B

  4. Apply target solution over defined period

  5. Track & manage cluster B; spot-check cluster A & C 

  6. Quantitative and qualitative review for all clusters

  7. Optimize target solution

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